Live Sound Basics for Beginners

Ear Training Where can you get started with learning how to make use of mixers and other sound equipment? We have put together this free, step-by-step course for beginners who are interested in learning the fundamentals of audio engineering, with a specific focus on live sound operations. Students will develop the skills necessary to work effectively with audio mixers and sound systems.

Course Objectives:

  1. Gain a solid understanding of audio engineering principles and terminology.
  2. Identify and comprehend the functions of various components within a sound system.
  3. Learn how to operate audio mixers proficiently, including proper gain staging techniques.

Basic Mixer Operations

  • Understanding signal flow through a mixer.
  • Explanation of bus routing.
  • Getting sound into a mixer: microphone inputs, line inputs, instrument inputs.
  • Getting sound out of the mixer

Introduction to Gain Staging

  • Importance of proper gain staging in achieving optimal sound quality.
  • Understanding signal-to-noise ratio and headroom.
  • Techniques for setting gain levels at each stage of the signal chain.
  • Troubleshooting common gain staging issues.

More About the Mixer

  • Phantom power: explanation and usage.
  • EQ (Equalization): understanding frequency bands and basic EQ adjustments.
  • Aux sends and returns: understanding their purpose in mixing.
  • Effects sends and returns: introduction to onboard effects processing.
  • Pan control: understanding stereo imaging.
  • Solo and mute buttons: basic signal management.
  • Explanation of subgrouping.
  • Subgroup and master fader control.
  • Patching and routing signals within a mixer.